St. Joseph the Worker
Sacraments at the Service of Communion
The Sacraments at the Service of Communion, also known as the Sacraments of Vocation or the Sacraments of Ministry, are two sacraments that are directed towards the building up of the Church and the service of its members. These sacraments are Holy Orders and Matrimony.
Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which bishops, priests, and deacons are ordained for ministry within the Church. Through this sacrament, individuals receive a special grace and consecration that enables them to fulfill their roles in serving the Church and its members. There are three degrees of Holy Orders: the episcopate (bishops), the presbyterate (priests), and the diaconate (deacons). Each of these degrees involves specific responsibilities and functions within the Church's ministry.
Holy Matrimony
Matrimony, or Marriage, is the sacrament through which a man and a woman enter into a lifelong covenant of love and fidelity with each other, as well as with God. In the Catholic Church, marriage is considered a sacrament because it reflects the union of Christ and the Church. Through the sacrament of Matrimony, couples receive special graces to help them live out their commitment to each other and to God, and to raise their children in the faith. Click here to read more about getting married at SJTWCC!