St. Joseph the Worker
These ministries help with our Sunday, Holyday, and weekday Masses, and our other prayer experiences.
Liturgy Committee- Coordinator: Fr. Julius Abuh
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Communion to the Sick and Homebound
Reader- Coordinator: Ben Swiderek
Usher- Coordinator: Bob Clowers
Altar Server- Coordinator: Fr. Julius Abuh
Sacristan- Assigned for each Mass
Liturgical Music- Coordinator:
4 pm- Dan Callan
8 am- Marion Croker
10 am- Jodi Swiderek
12:30 pm- Diana Martinez
Art and Environment- Coordinator: Rebecca Sneed
Ecumenism Committee- Position Available
Altar Servers
Altar Servers provide support to the priest during Mass. Special training is conducted to educate servers on the duties required of them before, during and after Mass.
Individuals are responsible for setting up the Altar and Ambo for Mass. This includes securing cruets for the water and wine, chalice, paten, purifier, tabernacle key, hosts, replacment of candles as needed, and ensuring appropriate color of cloths for the Altar.
The role of Lectors is to proclaim selected scripture passages to celebrate Mass. Lectors do the First Reading, the Second reading, and the Prayers of the Faithful during Mass. Lectors should feel confident public speaking. There is special training and support provided by the Coordinator.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
The role of Eucharistic Ministers serve the church through communion. These selected people will assist and distribute the Holy Eucharist during Mass. All Eucharistic Ministers go through a training period to ensure proper handling rules are understood.
The role of Ushers are to welcome people into the church. SJTWCC ushers have other responsibilities such as helping parishioners find open seating, ensure a smooth flow of attendees, count attendance and gather the offering collection baskets.
Liturgical Music
The role of music during the celebration of Mass is a vital role in enhancing worship through sound and song. The musicians at our masses contribute deeply to the sacred nature of mass. If you would like to learn more about the music in our parish please contact one of the music coordinators. If you are interested in joining the group of talented musicians at any of our mass times, please call the office or the music coordinator for the mass time you are interested in playing.