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St. Joseph the Worker
Weekly Announcements
Grace & Peace from Fr. Julius and Staff:
Save the Date: Bishop Mark Beckman will be here at St. Joseph the Worker on Wednesday, March 19th, for Mass and Confirmation. There will be a dinner from 4-5 PM; Confirmation pictures from 5-5:30 PM; Confirmation begins at 6 PM. After Confirmation, those who would like to visit with the Bishop, are welcome to join us in the hall for the Confirmation cake and fellowship.
The altar candles this week are donated by Anthony Gordon's family.
Next Sunday, February 2nd is the Presentation of the Lord. The Blessing of Candles will be celebrated before the 8 AM Mass only. Mass will begin at 7:50 AM. All are invited to bring candles with them to Mass to have them blessed for personal or family use.
Tomorrow, January 27 at 1:30 PM there is a Bingo Social for all our parishioners. Please bring a snack to share.
It is time to renew our subscription to Word Among Us. The cost is $30 for the year. If interested, please call the office.
We need volunteers for Choir Members for the 4 PM Mass on Saturdays, and a piano accompanist for the 8 AM Mass. Contact the office for more information.
There is a pot-luck meal following the 10 AM Mass this Sunday, January 26. Bring a dish to share and join us downstairs in the parish hall after Mass.
If you have not yet turned in your Family Life Center pledge cards, Father asks that you return them as soon as possible. We are making progress and are looking forward to reaching the point where we can get approval from the Diocese to begin this project.
If anyone has a space heater to be donated for those who may need them, please contact the Church or bring it to Mass.
If you wish to receive a tax letter for all your St Joseph the Worker contributions, please contact the office with your request.
Our Parish Offertory Collection Basket is located in the Narthex as you go out from church. Thank you for supporting our ministry.
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