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Family Life Center Updates

January 2024: Info

December 2024: Info

November 2024: Info

September 2024: Info

August 2024: Info

July 2024: Saint Joseph the Worker Capital Campaign- FAQ

Click HERE for the latest updates on the Family Life Center

Capital Campaign and How Much We Have Raised can be found HERE!

Q: What data was the basis for making this the right time to build a Family Life Center?

Everyone who regularly attends any of our Sunday Masses has noticed the added number of worshipers. It is evident in the crowded conditions in
the Church, the people sitting on folding chairs in the Narthex, and the parking on the grass. Drop by the Church during the week and observe the
meetings of the Safety and Security Committee, the Welcome Committee, the Building & Grounds Committee, the two choir practices, Bible Studies,
RCIA classes, Religious Education classes, money counters, the monthly food collection pickups, etc. Then add in the people dropping by the office
for Mass intentions, meetings with Father, people requesting assistance, or asking for Church Registration forms. The activity level of weekday and
weekend, attest to the fact more people is equaling a greater need for meeting and office space. This anecdotal data is what led Father Julius to ask
a committee to study the need for more space. The Family Life Center Committee went to work.

One of the preliminary steps taken was to analyze the demographics of the parish over the last three years (2021 – 2023). That data was share with
the parish last year. Since the first of 2024, the crowded conditions continue to expand. The committee updated the information with the first six
months of 2024 demographics. The growth is truly amazing. Our parish has grown at a rate of about 10% - 12% annually for the past 3 to 4 years and
it is expected that we will continue to see this type of growth every year for the next several years. The categories of data calculated and analyzed
were monthly Mass attendance, number of registered Individuals, and the number of registered families. The results of that updated analysis are on
the reverse side of this page. We should note that initially the Committee considered outside factors that would also impact the potential growth of
our parish. They contacted the Diocese for their forecast of future growth and Monroe County for their data. The Diocese indicated continued growth
in the diocese. In fact, in the country, the Diocese of Knoxville is projected as having a high growth of Catholic migration. Monroe County didn’t have
updated population data for our use, but pointed to the businesses moving to the area which brings new jobs and families to the county.


The new Family Life Center will create additional space for parish activities, meetings, educational classes, and social gatherings. The addition of a
larger kitchen will permit more food type of activities such as Socials, Lenten Meals, Fish Fry, Holiday parties, etc. The FLC will also allow the parish
to hold Masses in the future when the decision is made to build/expand our church. The new space will allow us to Celebrate our Joys, continue to
Learn our Faith, and Open our Hearts to the needs not only of parishioners but our neighbors as well.
We ask all to daily say our Prayer for the Success of the Campaign. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to make our plans a reality.









February 2024: This survey, like the Town Hall meeting, is part of the Feasibility Study process we have recently undertaken. The survey is easy to complete and will only take 10 minutes to do.  Your thoughts and opinions are welcome and needed as part of the Feasibility Study process.  Thank you.

Campaign Case for Support Document

Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church has experienced significant growth over the last 3 years.  Growth is a good news story.  The problem is the facilities have shrunk! We do not have adequate space to serve the needs of our Faith Family.  Regardless of the event, the Church Hall and kitchen are undersized. 
Greater numbers of parishioners mean more meetings and classes. More people mean more paperwork and more equipment.  More paperwork and equipment highlight that current storage is inadequate.

SJTW with the assistance of Greater Mission, will determine the level of willingness of our parishioners to support the construction of a Family Life Center. A commitment demonstrated with a pledge to give funds over 3 to 5 year period.  This pledge is in addition to their normal Sunday offering.  Greater Mission will also confirm that the Steering Committee has included the most critical elements in the new building. 
The identified critical elements are:           

  • Classrooms

  • Large all-purpose hall

  • Large kitchen with pantry

  • Additional private offices and a conference room

  • Storage areas

With the work of an architect, we will know what a Family Life Center with our critical elements will cost to build. 

SJTW Faith Community becomes stronger with more opportunities to interact in social settings, in working together to support the various ministries, and ensuring growth in their faith through ongoing learning events.  The Family Life Center will help us fulfill our mission: seeks to promote our Catholic Faith through our youth and adult ministries within our diverse community. SJTW becomes a beacon of faith, hope and charity for our parishioners and Monroe County.
During the preliminary planning all agreed that Saint Joseph the Worker can be a vital contributor to the well-being of our parishioners as well as a model of Christ's work in Monroe County.  The committees saw a bright, vibrant, and satisfying future for our Happy Family!  One that will require adequate space to grow; one with a Family Life Center to meet the needs of our Faith Family.

Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church is the heart of the Catholic Community in Monroe County, Tennessee. As the only parish in our county, we believe we have been called together by our Lord Jesus Christ to support and strengthen our growing parish family and to reach out to the larger community with love, hospitality, openness, and joy. We are committed, along with the Universal Church, to share our faith, serve those in need, and grow in Christ.
649 Old Tellico Hwy N
Madisonville, TN 37354

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m
Tuesday - 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday - 9:00 a.m.
Thursday - 9:00 a.m.
Friday - 9:00 a.m.
Saturday - 4:00 p.m. (Vigil of Sunday)
Sunday - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish)

Sacrament of Penance is 1 hour before Masses and by appointment

Adoration of Blessed Sacrament is every Friday from 9:30 a.m. to noon

Holy Days of Obligation- 9:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Billingual)

© 2024 by St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church 

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